
Fully Accessible Room Hire.
Small and large Conference, Training and Meeting Room facilities.  A professional Training/Catering Kitchen for workshops and group cooking and a large Main Hall with semi-sprung floor, a great dance/excercise space.

Nutrition Courses and Cookery Workshops.
Qualified staff that are able to disseminate WFSA/WAG accredited information and advice.
Fitness Suite Facility.
A range of cardio vascular machines and light weights which enable members to improve their cardio vascular fitness, muscle tone and strength.

Power Plate.
A new exercise machine which allows users to experience the many benefits of vibration training.

Health Assesments.
A standard set of physiological/psychological tests which provide baseline measurements for individual health status

Information and Advice.
A broad range of leaflets/resources which provide information and signpost individuals into additional services.

A comprehensive programme of structured and supervised classes which assist paticipants to achieve the Government's recommended 30mins of activity 5 times a week.

The Brunch Club - A fun session every Saturday that encourages children to participate in a variety of activities, including the preparation and consumption of a healthy brunch.

Yoga - With the practice of yoga, you can strengthen and calm the nervous system, increase circulation to internal organs and tus increse oxygen to cells.  You can clear mental clutter allowing clarity of thought - Janet Anthony.

Tai Chi - With the practice of Tai Chi it has been proven to be effective in reducing strss, restoring mental health and recovery from injury - Trevor Phillips.

HIP HOP - Soulful classes, full of energy drawing adults and children to think with their feet.